As you get closer, the skull fades away, and you find yourself staring at the reflection of a woman you've never seen before.
You get closer, but the reflection runs away to the left, leaving the reflection of a small room with a notepad, and a small heavily chewed nub of a pencil on it.
As you walk closer, it appears the "mirror" was just an illusion - there is a real room behind the frame.

You enter the room and read from the notepad by the light of your candle:

only other safe mirror is the middle one. all others danger. don't give the skull your hand. don't run through the field. i'm in the attic: after 2nd quiz use the trapdoor, and avoid the lion drawing.
it's been so lonely. found your last note. thank you. i'm still alive because of it. left this here so you can read it. used to be scared, now i'm just numb. tired. don't stay in any place downstairs too long: something's roaming. good sense of smell.
the skull keeps it away - thinks this is just another mirror, so these notes are safe unless you're in here.
i found this house by accident. thought it would be fun to go inside. i was 12. i think i'm 172430 now - i lost track of days years ago. it's crazy. always the same weather, always the same night. always a full moon. but why the bread and water unless~
The page ends in a short scribbled line, but there's further writing on the next page:
close call. the roamer.
the curse: something about the treasure. so much in just one chest. but i'd give it all up just to go home. i think they're cursed. i think discovering them is why i can't leave. did you find them too?
there's a small candle in the hidden attic crawlspace above the main door. the crawlspace, not the attic itself. think we have to be in two places at once. there's someone or something that wanders the main area every night - think it's the roamer. there's a candle that can't be removed or destroyed in the crawlspace. when you blow it out the roamer goes berzerk, and you can break the small window there - but it's too small to escape through. it's lit again in a few seconds, and you can't break the window any further. think it stops the curse, but not long enough to smash through the front door, or kill the roamer. changes stick when the candle's out. couldn't blow it out before I found the treasure - this is why i think you need to be cursed too. please please meet me in the attic and we can try to get out together. -H
Below this, on the same page, is a final note:
J, i haven't seen any new notes from you. starting to worry. i'm checking this every time i go for food, but no response. are you still alive? -H
You write on the end of this page with the pencil nub:
I'm not J, but I'm alive. I read your notes - very helpful, thanks. Will try to meet you in the attic to help break the curse.
Writing your initials on the end of it, you leave the pencil pointing to your note on the page, and head for the middle mirror.